Technology and Socialization

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A special thanks to Chris Tyler with At Home 2 Stay. You can call him at 402.510.5626.

We specialize in changing a home environment and prescribing technology or equipment that allows a person with a disability or an older person to continue living at home.  Our premise is that if a home environment “matches” the abilities of the person living there, they will be safer and better able to function independently.  

Even though our focus is on the physical environment, we never forget that people are social beings. For a successful home modification, you always need to ask yourself if the person’s social needs are being met as well.   After all, how well can a person truly live if they can eat, bathe, and dress independently but they have no one to talk to or care for? 

There are many studies that link social isolation to health issues.  Technology may be used by some individuals and families to increase socialization opportunities.   For technology to be most effective, it needs to be simple to use, reliable, and of interest to the person using it.  For example, one person might enjoy simply surfing the internet and emailing or texting with friends and another would feel more comfortable with life video interaction during routine social events such as meals.   Fortunately there is an increasing amount of technology and training services designed to help people isolated within their homes stay in touch with their community and families.  

For more information or referral to in-home technology services, give us a call.