Even Santa Can Use Independence

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Someone recently told me that “my kind of equipment” wasn’t really the kind of thing people gave at the Holidays.  I must vehemently disagree!  How priceless is the gift of independence and safety?

I urge you to think of access, independence, and convenience for your family and friends who have barriers in their homes or who are providing care for others.  Whether you come up with remodeling, helpful equipment, or just the gift of your time, your gift will make a huge difference in their lives every day.

Give us a call if you need help thinking of something based on a person’s needs and abilities.  Enjoy 10% off anything on our web site www.HomeAccessSolutions.com  with the coupon code GIFT2011 through December 16, 2011.  If you like the car mobility items you saw on this video visit our web site. They are on sale and you can still use the coupon.