Power Toilet Aid Elevates Toilet Seats

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Elevate your bathroom experience

There are few worse places to get stuck than on the toilet.   Being able to go to the bathroom on your own is one of the first real forms of independence people develop, and being denied that ability due to injury, disability, or age can be frustrating and heartbreaking.  And not all of us have people who can come to the rescue at a moment’s notice!   Being unable to stand up and move from the toilet while alone at home can be just as dangerous (or lead to) a fall.

Fortunately there are a variety of solutions that can help people recover bathroom independence.

Sometimes, raising the toilet seat and adding grab bars is enough to give people the boost they need to get back on their feet.  Sometimes people need more help than that!  The Stand Aid power toilet may be the answer.  The Stand Aid power toilet is meant for situations where the person in question needs to be nearly standing again to get on and off the toilet.   It can lift 13” vertically to help someone back to their feet, but slowly lowers them to toilet level for both safety and cleanliness.

If you or someone you know is having trouble on the toilet, don’t be afraid to get help.  There are so many solutions that will take your bathroom experience back to the level it should be.  Share the news and share the video.